I’m Mahid 👋

Aerospace Engineer,
Aviation Enthusiast
& Web Designer!

Focused on spreading knowledge on science and technology.

About Me

Since 2022, I’ve been serving as a Technical Services Engineer at US-Bangla Airlines, overseeing airframe systems of the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO).

My journey began in 2018 as a web designer and WordPress developer, contributing to diverse projects with a multitude of clients. With a mindset wired for adaptation and growth, I continuously push my limits and welcome new challenges with open arms.

Fueling my curiosity, I delve into books, magazines, and online articles across various topics, enriching my understanding and perspectives.

Recent Posts

Understanding Aircraft Systems - A Complete Guide to modern aviation technology

Understanding Aircraft Systems: A Complete Guide to Modern Aviation Technology

Aircraft systems form the backbone of modern aviation, ensuring smooth flight operations, efficiency, and safety. Aircraft systems are much more than mechanical parts; they are the carefully engineered foundation of every safe, efficient, and comfortable flight.

Website Design Portfolios

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